速報APP / 美妝造型 / The Shop Barber

The Shop Barber





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




The Shop Barber(圖1)-速報App

At The Shop we apply a concept: combine the best of traditional barbershop with modern trends. We are a barbershop that goes out of the traditional, more than a cut, we offer a unique experience to our customers.

The Shop Barber(圖2)-速報App

We want to help you to be always well and to take care of your image. Our customers are our best letter of introduction, they are part of us and we have the best products for them. We work with the best brands and we put at your disposal a wide range of products designed for all kinds of men.

The Shop Barber(圖3)-速報App


The Shop Barber(圖4)-速報App

In The Shop we have a purpose: Take care of you.

The Shop Barber(圖5)-速報App

To achieve this we have a strategy: Give you a unique experience.

The Shop Barber(圖6)-速報App

Who? We bring together the best barbers in the city, specialized in cutting and care of hair and beard.

The Shop Barber(圖7)-速報App

How? All our services are made with premium products, from basic cuts to specialized treatments. We also sell these products, so you can take them home.

The Shop Barber(圖8)-速報App